and what we wish they were

Tag Archives: children

The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen

The False Prince, the first book in the Ascension Trilogy, is the story of Sage, a fourteen year old orphan who suddenly finds himself caught up in a clandestine plot of such magnitude, that to fail, will certainly cost him his life.  Sage, along with three other boys,  has been purchased from an orphanage by Bevin Conner, a nobleman of Carthya.  Unfortunately for the boys, Conner is no wealthy benefactor.  In fact, for his diabolical  plan, he needs only one boy – the one who can pass himself off as the long-lost (and presumed dead) Prince Jaron – the only surviving member of the Carthyan  royal family.

Sage has perfected life as a loner and a survivor.  Now he is being forced into “prince lessons” with two rival boys.  On Conner’s luxurious estate, Sage and his rivals undergo reading, sword fighting, horseback riding, and manners lessons.  In the end, only one boy will be chosen to be presented at court as Prince Jaron.  To succeed and be chosen as the False Prince will mean a life  Sage has never wanted and possibly one as Conner’s puppet.  To fail will certainly mean death.

The False Prince is an exciting novel with twists and turns I did not see coming.  I chose it because, unlike all the paranormal romance novels lining bookstore and library shelves, I thought this book might appeal to boys.  I was not wrong.  I’m thrilled to have a book I can recommend to the guys in my English class.


Yes, some mild.  But nothing too disturbing.  I think kids from upper elementary age through high school would enjoy this book.








~ What is true freedom?

~ Sage prefers life as an orphan – a life that is sometimes very very difficult.  Why do you think this is?

~ Which of Sage’s rival do you like best the most?  The honest but brutally ambitious Roden or the submissive and sneaky Tobias?

~ Does life as a royal sound like fun, or do you think the cost (high expectations, scheming noblemen, enemy nations, etc.) is too high a price to pay for that level of fame, wealth and power?