and what we wish they were

Author Archives: LC

Lenten Ideas for Teens and Tweens

It seems like every year Lent sneaks ups on me. I know it’s coming, yet I still find myself scrambling at the last minute to find something to read and to think of something meaningful to do or not do.  Not this year. This year I think I’ve got a game plan – or at least the beginnings of one.

My children on the other hand, are a different story.  I realized the profound shallowness of one of my children’s Lenten preparation when I heard her say, “I’m glad it’s almost Lent, I need to get in shape.”  It dawned on me then that I wasn’t the only one in the family who needed to prepare in order to prepare for the resurrection of our Lord. So, to help my children get beyond just giving up sweets (and shedding a few pounds) I’ve compiled a list of ideas for teenagers.  For those of you who have managed to raise kids who are free from the trappings of this world and whose idea of  reasonable Lenten disciplines are horse hair shirts and sleeping without a blanket, I applaud you.  I’d love to know the secret, and there’s probably no need for you to keep reading. But my children are a delightful mix of worldliness and would-be saints – who listen to pop music, own cell phones, and think leggings are pants.  Here are some things I’m going to suggest they prayerfully consider giving up and taking on for Lent…

Look how open she is!

Look how open she is!


Prayer is the key to holiness and to growing closer to God.  It should be as important to us as oxygen.  And yet it’s so easy to forget to pray or to get distracted at prayer.  Having a prayer system can help.  Here are some of my favorite ways to add prayer to my day or to make my prayers more meaningful.

  • The ACTS prayer – This is a way to organize prayer so we don’t spend to whole time just  listing the things we want from God. The ACTS prayer involves praying first Adoration, then Confession, next Thanksgiving, and finally Supplication.
  • Aspirations – These are short, silent prayers offered up anytime and anyplace – Jesus, I love you.  Lord, have Mercy.  Jesus, I believe.  Help me with my unbelief. Mother Mary, prayer for us.  Any small way that we can turn our hearts and minds to the Lord throughout the day are pleasing to Him and can help us grow in holiness.
  • Keeping a prayer journal – It’s easy to say, “I’m going to pray for Brittany.” Or “I’m going to be more thankful.”  But as we all know, easier said than prayed.  I’m going to encourage my children to write down their prayer intentions and blessings.  As any seasoned prayer knows, writing down prayers not only helps us remember what to pray, but allows us to look back later and see how God as worked in our lives.


Every time I pray the third sorrowful mystery of the rosary (the crowning with thorns), I ask Jesus to help my children and me to remember the outcast and the bullied.  I realize that our Lord suffered much more than bullying, but still for the sake of His suffering, I hope that my children (and I) will make an effort to relieve the suffering of someone else being mocked, ridiculed, or forgotten.   A kind word, a smile,  or a “how’s it going?” might mean the world to someone who feels invisible most of the time.  I hope this Lenten season my children will invite a loner to sit with them at lunch, compliment a kid who others barely notice, or is some way make a special effort at kindness.


I’ll be honest.  I’m not a huge fan of contemporary Christian music.  I dislike it for the same reason I dislike most Kelly Clarkson or One Direction songs.  There’s nothing wrong with them.  They just aren’t my thing.  But they are a far site better than most of the vile, brainless junk on pop radio.  Blogger, Matt Walsh, makes a great case that pop music isn’t only immoral, it’s also making us stupid.  Lent is a great time for all of us to cleanse our hearts and minds.  While I do monitor what my kids listen to, totally blocking out the world isn’t really an option. But I am asking my children to replace some of their pop music with more Christian music this Lenten season.


It’s tempting to see Lent an excellent time for the kids to kick some bad habits or to take on a few more household chores. You know, make a few sacrifices.   They could pledge to keep their rooms clean for the entire 40 days of Lent or to quit leaving their junk in the car.  After all, why not kill two birds with one religious stone.  But that’s not really the point of Lent, so I refrain from asking my kids to do the things  think they ought to do for Lent.  But I do encourage them to think of new and sacrificial ways to serve their family, friends, church, or community. And cleaning their own trash out of the car wouldn’t kill them.


Again, I’m not trying to turn Lent into my personal to-do list for my kids, but I’d like to see them write more thank you notes.  Thank you notes are a concrete way to express gratitude, often to someone who isn’t expecting it – a former teacher, an aging relative, an admired adult.  One thank you note a week during Lent is a modest, but meaningful goal.  And it has the power to touch the lives of both the sender and the receiver.


This one is pretty obvious.  Lot’s of young people probably quit or limit social media for Lent.  That’s great.  I’m not asking my kids to give up all social media.  And I don’t want them to give it up just to be able to say they gave up something in the Lent.  I want them to make better use of their time in general.  By limiting social media, they will have more time for prayer, spiritual reading, or just being quiet before God. What better way to grow closer to Him?  How much should they limit?  I think I’ll leave that up  to each of them.  My prayer is that they will make space for God.


Apparently, I am not the only come up with this is an idea.  I admire any young lady who can go a month without looking in the mirror.  For my girls, who aren’t quite ready to go to that extreme, I am suggesting looking in the mirror less – say only in the morning before leaving the house and not again until the school day is over.


Like looking too much in the mirror, the paradox of the selfies is that they are vain – both pride (Hey! Look at me!) and their insecurity (Please, please, look at me).  Spending 40 days not being overly concerned about what others think sounds like a great way to develop spiritually.


Obviously spiritual reading – the Bible, the lives of the Saints, stories from the mission field are a powerful addition to anyone’s Lenten disciplines, but I’d also like to see my children read some classic literature during Lent.  I know.  I know. Lent is not about getting them to do what I want them to do, but developing a taste for literature that draws our senses to what is true and beautiful is a worthwhile pursuit any time of the year.  Why not make Lent a time to let God develop in us a taste for what is lovely and true in literature instead of what is ugly and common and popular.  Haley who blogs at Carrots for Michaelmas suggests 10 Book to Read With Your Daughter So She Doesn’t Turn Out Like That Horrid Girl From Twilight.


Of course we should always avoid gossip and unkind talk, but sometimes we forget that this rule applies even when it’s people we don’t know.  For some reason we feel totally free to make catty remarks about a stranger’s outfit or a celebrity’s weight.  After all, we don’t know them and they don’t know us.  What can it hurt?  But poison is poison.  Why put it out there?  This Lenten season I’m encouraging my kids to avoid negative talk of any kind.

I’m not sure which, if any, of the things on this list my children will choose.  The point is not for them to make themselves miserable or the “accomplish” some Lenten chores. But Lent is a time set apart.  Our lives should be different during these days to remind us that because of Him our lives are different.  We are different.  Yes, we are called to go with Christ into the desert.  But if we come out smug in our own spiritual toughness (and 5 lbs thinner), we’ve missed the point.  We go into the desert to be with our Lord.  We do this through prayer but also by being willing to shed those things which we hold dear but that might (or might not) keep us from loving Him fully.

As a parent it is my job to guide my children to choose meaningful Lenten practices.  It’s a big job. The grace’s offered to us during this time are boundless, and I don’t want my kids to miss out.  So, I guess I’ve got one more thing to add to my own Lenten journey – praying for my children’s Lenten journey. 

Lenten reading suggestions for teens and tweens..

This Catholic Teen Bible comes highly recommended.

Amy Welborn’s Prove It books answer some of the tough questions about the faith that many teens face.

100 Things Every Catholic Teen Should Know

You Cat  – a catechism for Catholic youth.

Ablaze! Stories of Daring Teens Saints

LC Hanby Hudgens, writer

Just a few days ago I wrote about what I really want for Christmas.  It was a list of all the things that, in a perfect world, would be different around my house.  That list is spot on.  I stand by that list.  And yet, as I was writing it, I couldn’t help thinking about how different that list is from one I might have written ten years ago – when all of my kids were small.  And it made me kind of sad.  So, in addition to matched socks and a crumb-free counter, there are a few things I’d like to add to my Christmas list – things that I never would have wished for a few years ago…

  • I used to wish that I didn’t have to stay up until 2:00 a.m. the night before Christmas, assembling toys and stuffing stockings.  Now I wish someone wanted a…

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LC Hanby Hudgens, writer

For weeks now my kids have been asking me what I want for Christmas.  And I have said the thing that I am supposed to say, that I always say –  I don’t need anything.  I just want  all of my children to be happy and healthy.  It’s true.  I don’t need anything.  And I do want my children to be happy and healthy.  But they are good children, so no matter how often I say that I really don’t need anything, they will pool their money and buy me a new bathrobe or nightgown, or a maybe well-intentioned kitchen gadget.  And I’ll be grateful because I know they are buying me presents because they love me and want to show me that they care.

But here’s the thing.  I’m lying. I don’t just want healthy happy kids. Sure that’s the most important thing, but there are a…

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The signs are everywhere.  Houses and yards are adorned with twinkling lights and plastic snowmen.  Stores festively display Christmas decorations and the latest must-have items of the season.  Our mailboxes are bursting forth with invitations to gift exchanges, tasting parties, and other holiday festivities. At long last that magical season is upon us.  But wait! It’s mid-November I still have fall leaves in my yard and a pumpkin on my porch.  I haven’t even planned our Thanksgiving meal yet?   How did it get to be the Christmas season already?

That’s easy.  The retailing powers decided long ago that the more shopping days there are in the Christmas (or as it in now known, holiday) season, the more people will shop.  The lines that begin forming outside some large chain stores before the pumpkin pie is even off the Thanksgiving table, prove that the retailers are right.

Since the holiday season is the time when manufacturers and retailers do their best business, they have a vested interest in dictating exactly how we observe the moment in history when God became man.  They want us to prepare for Holiest events in human history by shopping and shopping and shopping and shopping and shopping! However, to truly prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of the Lord, maybe we should consider how people used to do this before they had the benefit of Wal Mart to help them.

Actually, we first need to get our minds around the concept of preparing our hearts and minds for the coming of the Lord. There has been a lot of hubbub in recent years about The War on Christmas, but actually the war has been on Advent.  Our retailers don’t give two hoots about what we do December 25.  They care about all the shopping days before it is actually Christmas.  You see, what is now known as the Christmas season (the time somewhere between Halloween and the opening of the last gift) is actually called Advent.

Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Traditionally Advent was a time of preparations.  Christians prepared themselves for Christ’s coming both as a baby in a manger and for His second coming at the end of time.  Parties, gorging on fudge, shopping and Hallmark movies are not actually longstanding Christian customs.  On the contrary, to prepare for the coming of Christ, Christians traditionally spent the days before Christmas in somber reflection.  Advent is a time to reflect on one’s shortcomings and to cleanse oneself in preparation for Christ’s arrival both spiritually in our hearts at Christmas and literally at the end of time.

But I live in the real (and increasing secular) world and I know that it is often unrealistic to cut out all the Christmas fun and  goodies until December 25th. There are class parties and office parties, family obligations and family expectations. Still, simply being aware that preparing for Christmas means more than wearing a Keep Christ in Christmas button to the mall is a start. So how can we observe Advent and truly prepare for the coming of the Lord in this hectic, consumer-driven season?

Shop early. One simple alternative is to spending Advent at the mall, is to shop before Advent begins. This takes some organization and forethought, but it keeps Advent simple and relatively stress-free.

Shop with companies that reflect Christian values.   SERRV, a nonprofit organization operated by Catholic Relief Services, offers beautiful handmade, fair trade gifts produced by families who struggle to earn a just wage. This article offers different perspectives on Christian consumerism and some suggestions for shopping too.

Shop local. Buying from a small mom and pop store helps support a family directly in a way that shopping the big chain stores does not. Not only that, these experiences are often more relaxing and more pleasant than negotiating a crowded mall. Shopping and chatting with friends and neighbors builds a sense of community that helps keep to get us in the Christmas spirit.

Buy an Advent Calendar.  A Christian one.  This charming tradition helps children focus on get excited about what (or who) is to come by daily drawing their attention back to the meaning of the season. Advent calendars can be even more powerful when paired with prayer.

Build a Spiritual Crib. This short daily devotion that is a great way to help kids prepare their hearts for the Baby Jesus.

Decorate in keeping with the season. Trim the tree and the mantel with purple ribbon, the liturgical color of Advent. Add red and green on Christmas Eve to signal the change from Advent to Christmas. Buy of make Christian ornaments for you tree like these or or these.  Pinterest is full of them.  Also consider getting or making a Jesse Tree.

Celebrate the Feast of Saint Nicholas. When my children were small, we would put their shoes in front of the hearth on the night of December 5th. The next day they would be filled with candy. Occasionally Saint Nicholas would leave a present like a new nativity set or some Christmas decorations. He always left a note encouraging the kids to keep preparing for the Baby Jesus through prayer and good behavior.
Light an Advent wreath. An Advent wreath and the prayers that accompany it are a visual and spiritual reminder that the Light of the World is coming to banish the darkness.
Of course the most important thing we can do to prepare for Jesus’s coming is to pray. Advent is a time to do this in a specific and beautiful way. My prayer is that my family and other Christian families will not get so caught up in the Christmas trappings that we fail to remember the One we celebrate on December 25 and every other day of the year.


Focus on the Family

Baby Steps for Celebrating Advent

Super Simple Ways to Celebrate Advent

Advent resources especially for Protestants



A couple of weeks ago the entire world celebrated Banned Books Week.  Okay maybe not the entire world, but a lot of librarians and English teachers did. Banned Books Week usually involves such activities as handing out bookmarks and challenging students to select and read a book from a list of commonly banned books.  And for the most part, that’s a good thing.  There are a lot of books on these lists that I have either bought for my children, read to them, or that I hope they will read one day.  I have wonderful memories of crying, no sobbing, with my kids when we read Bridge to Terabithia and Charlott’s Web.  In my English classes, I have taught Huckleberry FinnTo Kill a Mocking Bird,  and Lord of the Flies.   The Giver and Harry Potter are among my children’s favorite books.  And, while certainly not my favorite, my eldest daughter has read nearly all of  John Green ‘s books.

The fact is, it’s hard to imagine why many of these books were ever banned.  It’s just crazy.  But the crazy thing about the Banned Books Week movement is that proponents of the movement would have us believe that school libraries should be allowed to  provide young people with literally any book out there without having to justify the appropriateness of the book.  Any attempt to use discernment or determine age appropriateness is decried as censorship.  And those who call into question a librarian’s choices are considered a threat to intellectual freedom.

Please don’t misunderstand. I’m not advocating government censorship or that books be banned from public libraries.  But as a mother and a tax payer, I would like to think that when I send my children to school, they will not happen across books in the school library that include passages like this one from Cristina Garcia’s novel, Dreaming in Cuban (which is actually a Common Core recommended text for 10th graders).

“Hugo and Felicia stripped in their room, dissolving easily into one another, and made love against the whitewashed walls. Hugo bit Felicia’s breast and left purplish bands of bruises on her upper thighs. He knelt before her in the tub and massaged black Spanish soap between her legs. He entered her repeatedly from behind.

“Felicia learned what pleased him. She tied his arms above his head with their underclothing and slapping him sharply when he asked.

“‘You’re my bitch,’” Hugo said, groaning.

According to the good folks at the American Library Association, any attempt to restrict this novel, or anything libraries choose to make available to children, is a violation of the First Amendment.  The ALA lists Fifty Shades of Grey as one of the most commonly challenged books of 2013, but according to the ALA, a child’s right to read this book should be protected.  This is apparently more important than protecting children from pornography.

Fear Monger Much?

Fear Monger Much?

I realize that censorship is a slippery slope.  At least that’s what the Banned Books people want us to fear.  If we ban Fifty Shades of Grey, what’s to stop us from banning every book with any sexual content whatsoever?  Censorship is such a loaded word.  It implies a secret plot to restrict ideas or knowledge or a Big Brother-like control over information.  But what we are really talking about is limits.  And don’t schools limit kids already?   Students are not allowed to curse in school.  They cannot make racially insensitive statements.  They aren’t allowed to watch sexually explicit films in class – even those based on a classic novel.  When, where, and how they can pray is restricted.  And most schools have some form of a dress code in place.  All of these rules restrict (censor) students’ freedom of expression is some way. Can you imagine a high school or middle school where kids were allowed to express themselves absolutely any way they wanted too?

Still, the slippery slope concerns are valid.  Obviously book banning can get out of hand. Many books that are now considered classroom and childhood staples have at one time been challenged.  Yet, should we really advocate, indeed celebrate, the notion that our children can potentially have access to books with virtually any content with no adult discernment as to the appropriateness of those books?

Where things get tricky is when people challenge books based on their own personal beliefs.  Just because some people don’t believe that children should read books about witches and wizards, doesn’t mean the library should ban all Harry Potter books.  Some people might feel that children should not read books that encourage them to challenge authority.  That does not mean we need to ban Animal Farm.  I get it.  Discerning books is a delicate matter because what seems like a harmless story to one family might be considered gravely sinful by another.

Still, even with all the challenges involved with book restrictions, can’t we at least strive for some standard of decency?  That’s all I’m asking for.  A standard of decency.   Can’t we at least agree that there are some things a child or young teenager should not be exposed to?  Even the film industry does that much.  How about this? If the contents of a book would warrant an R rating as film, then maybe it should not be made available to 14 year olds.  It’s radical, I know.

It might not be easy.  Sometimes we might ere too much on the side of caution.  But the alternative is no standard of decency.  To me, that is a much more frightening prospect than the notion that my children’s freedom will somehow be violated because their public school denied them access to porn.



Disclaimer:  This is in no way a condemnation of librarians.  My own children’s schools are staffed by thinking, sensitive librarians who seek to provide our kids with the best possible age-appropriate literature.  We are grateful to have them.  

Image credits in order of appearance…

I begin each semester in Oral Communication with “What Happens in Vagueness…” That way the kids know right off what not to say.

Up With the Chickens

What Not to Say


No long ago I happened across the article What Happens is Vagueness Stays in Vagueness. In the article Clark Whelton laments the decline of the English language.  Among other things, he notes the overuse of the word “like” as a sentence filler and the seeming inability of young people to answer a question in the affirmative, but rather to respond with a vocal inflection that would indicate a question.

Whelton also quotes a Vassar professor’s assertion (way back in 1988) that high school teachers seem to no longer hold their students to any sort of standard when it comes to how students speak in class. Yikes. That struck a nerve. How often have I failed to correct (or even flinch) when a student proclaimed, “I ain’t done my homework!” or “Can I borrow like a pencil?” And there is the ever-vague, “I have this sorta headache.  Can I…

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What Kids Are Reading

From From

The Giver is a dystopian novel set around the life of a young boy, Jonah, and his community.  In this community everything is regulated – careers, family size, emotion, even the temperature.  At the age  12, when all children are assigned to their life’s work, Jonah is given the job of The Giver.  The Giver is the one person entrusted with all the memories of humanity.  For decades all other citizens have been denied  knowledge of the pain, fear, and joy people experienced before the community was “perfected.”  They are given only “the sameness.” The job of The Giver is both beautiful and torturous.  It also gives Jonah an understanding that no one else in his community could possibly have – an understanding that makes it impossible to go back to the content, secure life he knew before.

The Giver is not exactly pop fiction.  It has been…

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LC Hanby Hudgens, writer

Recently I wrote about how lousy it makes me feel when I read about all the ways other mothers are managing to feed their children absolutely nothing but organic, homemade, raw, freshly sprouted, GMO free, free-range, amazingly delicious, healthy food.  Seriously, it’s exhausting.  Well, now it’s back-to-school time and I am faced with the same kind of Pinterest-induced guilt.

For starters, there’s the Back-to-School Party.

Seriously? We are not having a party.  The week before school starts my children are practically wearing sack cloth and ashes.  We distract.  We indulge.  We don’t celebrate.  We are in mourning.

There’s Back-to-School redecorating.  Does making them make their beds count?  I mean, we spend a small fortune on backpacks, note books, pens, markers, clothes, and Kleenex.  Who has extra money to redecorate?

For the child studying to be the next Martha Stewart For the child studying to be the next Martha Stewart

There’s back-to-school menu planning for the…

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Cadence Sinclair is the oldest grandchild in an old-money, east coast family.  She spends her childhood summers on the family’s private island with her cousins, Mirren and Johnny and their dear friend Gat.  They are The Liars.

The cousins are extremely close and fiercely loyal to each other, despite the efforts of their mothers, the Sinclair sisters, to use their children to win the favor of the family patriarch.  Cadence, Johnny, and Mirren’s mothers are each paranoid that the biggest summer home and the bulk of their father’s fortune will be bestowed on another sister. They attempt to pit the cousins against one another, and each Sinclair sister urges her child to make a play for their grandfather’s  sympathy and favor. Their Grandfather seems to take some perverse pleasure in his daughters’ greed.  He enjoys the rivalry.

Ye even in the midst of all this dysfunction, the Liars spend magical summers, swimming, playing games, and growing up together.  But the summer Cadence is 15 she suffers a a terrible accident that leaves her with memory loss and debilitating headaches.  While she tries to put together the pieces of what happened, her family seems to be falling apart and her relationships with Gat and with her cousins takes a confusing turn.  What Cadence discovers about her accident and that mysterious summer is haunting.

We Were Liars may not be the book for everyone.  It is very engrossing – read in one sitting engrossing.  But it is disturbing.  The end left me a little shaken.  That said, a friend of mine who read it predicted the surprise ending (maybe I’m a little dense) and wasn’t blown away like I was.  Either way, we both had mixed feelings about the novel. Neither of us could put it down, but in the end, we weren’t sure liked it.  We Were Liars paints a rich portrait of childhood summers and takes the reader back to those care-free days.  Yet, I couldn’t help feeling that I wanted to see all of the characters redeemed, become better people.  That’s what supposed to happen when things go terribly wrong. But in the end, I’m not sure any the Sinclairs are better people – just damaged in a different way and for a more legitimate reason.

We Were Liars illustrates the devastating effects of unbridled greed and selfish ambition. Their mothers’ greed ultimately destroys the family and changes the Liars forever.

Overall, the subject matter might be a bit heavy for middle schoolers. I recommend We Were Liars for grades 9 and up.


Perhaps some mild four letter words.


Cadence and Gat fall in love.  They kiss and their is some hinting at additional physical contact, but there is nothing graphic.  Mirren’s lies about having “a lot of sexual intercourse” with her boyfriend but in the end admits there is no boyfriend and no sex.


I don’t want to give too much away.  The truth of Cadence’s accident is not so much violent as disturbing.




“One day I looked at Gat, lying in the Clairmont hammock with a book, and he seemed, we’ll, like he was mine.  Like my particular person.

“Do not accept an evil you cN change.”

“A part of me died… And it was the best part.”

“Our kiss turns the world to dust.  There is only us and nothing else matters.”

“He cried like a man, not like a boy. Not like he was frustrated or hadn’t gotten his way, but like life was bitter.  Like his wounds couldn’t be healed.”